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Index of Figures

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Index Entry Section

A directed graph with a loop 22.5 Cuts
A function to create objects 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
A function to return reversed lists 3.1 Functional Design
A function to reverse lists 3.1 Functional Design
A game of squash 11.5 Iteration with Multiple Values
A macro and two depths of expansion 7.4 Testing Macroexpansion
A macro defined with and without backquote 7.2 Backquote
A macro for defining delimiter read-macros 17.3 Delimiters
A macro for testing macroexpansion 7.4 Testing Macroexpansion
A macro which sorts its arguments 12.4 More Complex Utilities
A network compiled into closures 6.1 Networks
A read-macro defining delimiters 17.2 Dispatching Macro Characters
A read-macro for constant functions 17.1 Macro Characters
A read-macro for functional composition 17.3 Delimiters
A sketch of defmacro 7.5 Destructuring in Parameter Lists
A typical with- macro 11.2 The with- Macro
A very small ATN 23.2 The Formalism
Adding support for new operators 24.6 Adding Prolog Features
Adding support for new operators 24.6 Adding Prolog Features
An asymmetric inversion 12.5 Defining Inversions
An I/O loop in Prolog 24.7 Examples
An operator for functional composition 5.3 Memoizing
Anaphoric variants of Common Lisp operators 14.1 Anaphoric Variants
Assertion of sample facts 19.3 A Query Interpreter
Automatic definition of abbreviations 16.1 Abbreviations
Automatic definition of access macros 16.1 Abbreviations
Automatic definition of anaphoric macros 16.3 Anaphoric Macros
Auxiliary methods 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Auxiliary methods (continued) 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Avoiding capture with a closure 9.5 Avoiding Capture by Prior Evaluation
Avoiding capture with gensym 9.6 Avoiding Capture with Gensyms
Avoiding capture with let 9.3 When Capture Occurs

Basic database functions 19.1 The Database

Choice in a subroutine 22.2 Search
Code for defining rules 24.6 Adding Prolog Features
Code involving rules 24.2 An Interpreter
Combination of cond and let 11.1 Creating Context
Common Lisp choice in a subroutine 22.4 Common Lisp Implementation
Common Lisp functions defined with on-cdrs 15.2 Recursion on Cdrs
Compilation of nodes and arcs 23.4 An ATN Compiler
Compilation of queries 24.5 New Implementation
Compilation with static references 6.2 Compiling Networks
Continuation-passing macros 20.2 Continuation-Passing Macros
Controlling argument evaluation 10.1 Number of Evaluations
Correct choose in Scheme 22.6 True Nondeterminism

Defining methods 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Definitions of a+ and alist 16.3 Anaphoric Macros
Desired expansion of do 7.7 Macros as Programs
Destructuring on arrays 18.2 Other Structures
Destructuring on structures 18.2 Other Structures
Deterministic search 22.6 True Nondeterminism
Deterministic tree search 22.1 The Concept
Diagram used in writing memq 7.3 Defining Simple Macros
Diagram used in writing while 7.3 Defining Simple Macros
Doubly-recursive list utilities 4.4 Search

Effect of changing priorities 21.2 Implementation
Exhaustive Chocoblob search 22.5 Cuts
Expansion of a call to do-tuples/c 11.4 Iteration
Expansion of a call to mvdo 11.6 Need for Macros
Expansion of a call to sortf 12.4 More Complex Utilities
Expansion of a conjunction 24.5 New Implementation
Expansion of an if-match 18.2 Other Structures
Expansion of nthmost 13.1 New Utilities

Fast matching operator 18.2 Other Structures
Fast matching operator (continued) 18.2 Other Structures
File utilities 14.3 Referential Transparency
Function for recursion on trees 5.6 Recursion on Subtrees
Function for recursion on trees 5.6 Recursion on Subtrees
Function for traversing networks 6.1 Networks
Function to define flat list recursers 5.5 Recursion on Cdrs
Functional syntax 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Functions defined using on-trees 15.3 Recursion on Subtrees
Functions expressed with lrec 5.5 Recursion on Cdrs
Functions expressed with ttrav 5.6 Recursion on Subtrees
Functions which operate on symbols and strings 4.7 Symbols and Strings
Functions which search lists 4.4 Search

General function-building macro 15.1 Building Functions
General sequence destructuring operator 18.2 Other Structures
Graph of a larger ATN 23.5 A Sample ATN
Graph of a small ATN 23.2 The Formalism

I/O functions 4.5 Mapping
Implementation of force and delay 15.3 Recursion on Subtrees
Implementing do 7.7 Macros as Programs
Interpretation of queries 24.2 An Interpreter

Larger functions that operate on lists 4.3 Operations on Lists
Layers of abstraction 24.1 Concepts
List operations on generalized variables 12.3 New Utilities
Lists as trees 5.6 Recursion on Subtrees

Macro for generating Bezier curves 13.3 Applications
Macro for removing methods 25.4 Methods
Macro implementation of let 11.1 Creating Context
Macroexpansion of a node function 23.4 An ATN Compiler
Macros for conditional evaluation 11.2 The with- Macro
Macros for conditional evaluation 11.3 Conditional Evaluation
Macros for iteration by subsequences 11.4 Iteration
Macros for list recursion 15.2 Recursion on Cdrs
Macros for recursion on trees 15.3 Recursion on Subtrees
Macros which bind variables 11.1 Creating Context
Macros which operate on generalized variables 12.2 The Multiple Evaluation Problem
Maintaining parent and child links 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Mapping functions 4.5 Mapping
Marking and pruning search trees 22.5 Cuts
Matching function 18.2 Other Structures
Memoizing utility 5.2 Orthogonality
Method combination 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Method combination (continued) 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Mistaken analogy to a recursive function 10.4 Recursion
More anaphoric variants 14.1 Anaphoric Variants
More complex macros on setf 12.4 More Complex Utilities
More function builders 5.4 Composing Functions
More general defanaph 16.3 Anaphoric Macros
Move and scale filleted 8.3 Applications for Macros
Multiple inheritance 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Multiple paths to a superclass 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Multiple value binding version of do 11.6 Need for Macros
Multiple value binding version of do* 11.5 Iteration with Multiple Values
Multiple value version of psetq 11.5 Iteration with Multiple Values
Multiple-value anaphoric macros 14.2 Failure

New syntax of rules 24.6 Adding Prolog Features
New toplevel macro 24.5 New Implementation
New utilities defined with on-cdrs 15.2 Recursion on Cdrs
Nominal dictionary 23.5 A Sample ATN
Nondeterministic operators in Common Lisp 22.4 Common Lisp Implementation
Nondeterministic search 22.6 True Nondeterminism
Nondeterministic search in Common Lis 22.5 Cuts
Nondeterministic tree search 22.1 The Concept
Noun phrase sub-network 23.5 A Sample ATN

One process with one wait 21.2 Implementation
Original move and scale 8.3 Applications for Macros

Possible definition of ' 17.1 Macro Characters
Prepositional phrase sub-network 23.5 A Sample ATN
Process scheduling 21.2 Implementation
Process structure and instantiation 21.1 The Process Abstraction
Prolog syntax equivalence 24.3 Rules
Pruned Chocoblob search 22.5 Cuts

Query compiler 19.5 A Query Compiler
Query interpreter 19.3 A Query Interpreter
Quicksort 24.7 Examples

Recursive expansion functions 10.4 Recursion
Reference destructuring on sequences 18.2 Other Structures
Removing methods 25.2 Objects in Plain Lisp
Representation and definition of nodes 6.1 Networks
Restrictions on continuation-passing macros 20.2 Continuation-Passing Macros
Returning destructive equivalents 5.2 Orthogonality

Sample network 6.1 Networks
Scheme implementation of choose and fail 22.3 Scheme Implementation
Search functions which compare elements 4.4 Search
Sentence network 23.5 A Sample ATN
Session of twenty questions 6.1 Networks
Shifting and avoiding computation 13.1 New Utilities
Shifting computation when finding averages 13.1 New Utilities
Simple iteration macros 11.3 Conditional Evaluation
Slow matching operator 18.2 Other Structures
Small functions which operate on lists 4.3 Operations on Lists
Some differences between Scheme and Common Lisp 20.1 Scheme Continuations
Sub-network for strings of modifiers 23.5 A Sample ATN
Synchronization with a blackboard 21.2 Implementation
Syntax of queries 19.2 Pattern-Matching Queries
Syntax of rules 24.2 An Interpreter

The query compiler in use 19.5 A Query Compiler
The query interpreter in use 19.4 Restrictions on Binding
Three closures share a list 2.6 Closures
Toplevel macro 23.4 An ATN Compiler
Toplevel macro 24.2 An Interpreter
Tree traversal using continuation-passing macros 20.2 Continuation-Passing Macros
Tree traversal using continuations 20.1 Scheme Continuations
Two expansions of the same query 19.5 A Query Compiler
Two macros equivalent to and 7.8 Macro Style
Two parsings for a sentence 23.5 A Sample ATN
Two Trees 20.1 Scheme Continuations
Two ways to fix the problem 10.4 Recursion

Use of arguments known at compile-time 13.1 New Utilities

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